
Day #156

Elephant Seal Rookery

We took an overnight trip to Paso Robles and on the way back, drove through the mountains towards the beach, headed north past Sam Simeon, and pulled over to the lookout point to sew these guys just hanging out in the sand on the beach for a lazy day.

#elephantseals #californiabeach #coastaldrive


Day #154

So I saved this little guy out of the pool, but he didn’t want to fly away. Below is a photo of him on my sandal that I used to get him out. Then I put him on a plant, and he stayed for while for a photo shoot. His two little antennaes look like his eyebrows in the top photo. Saving bees out of the pool is common. I wasn’t sure what this guy was, but I think he is a little butterfly. The funny thing is the next morning he was in there again, so I pulled him out again. I think he just wanted attention.

#bugslife #butterfly #insects #photography